Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
Amphibious lamborghini takes to the high seas
World's first luxury amphibious motorcoach/yacht
At a standard length of 42’6”, the Terra Wind RV is built with fiberglass reinforced plywood with a foam core, while the hull is constructed from 3/16" marine grade 5052 plate with 6061 grade structural members. Powered by a Caterpillar 3126E turbocharged engine, this C.A.M.I.L.C amphibious motorcoach also has two 19" bronze propellers with stainless rudders. The Terra Wind comes with all the bells and whistles you’d expect to find in a luxury RV, with features including a 42" plasma TV, an In Motion satellite with Direct TV, a trash compactor and a combination washer/dryer. Prices from the $850,000's. C.A.M.I.L.C.
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
2009/2010 New Automotive Policy is totally bullshit and it BURDENS the people!
This is freaking bullshit and it totally burdens the people off. A good way to protect our "much loved" Proton and Perodua. I hope this doesn't EVER happen again, because I really think this would make the rakyat (people) mad and will protest against government.
Here's a good quote of question or answer, posted by mizunori at DCM.
Here's a good quote of question or answer, posted by mizunori at DCM.
"KUALA LUMPUR: The controversial Approved Permits (AP) system will be scrapped in 2015 while foreign firms will be given manufacturing licenses to hold 100% equity in firms, which produce luxury vehicles with an engine capacity of more than 1,800cc and costing more than RM150,000 under the review of the National Automotive Policy announced Wednesday.
1) which and how many foreign car that we see on the road is above 1.8 litre and cost more than RM150k? looks like Proton's 'market' is still being protected.
2) even if there are foreign car models that are above 1.8 litre AND foreign companies are allowed to own the local manufacturing facility, how many will actually buy a 1.8 litre car for RM 150k? those who can afford BMW, AUDI, Merc, other European cars most likely wont benefit also.
3) AP will only be abolished in 2015. WTF happened to AFTA? People who wish to setup company after the AFTA starts cant profit when the AP is still around. How to do business?
Under the review announced by International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed, the import duties of all completely-built-up (CBU) and completely-knocked-down (CKD) cars will be maintained.
4) Again. WTF happened to AFTA? Our govt lie to ASEAN + 3 again (3 is Japan, Korea & China)
5) These duties will be maintained until when? No end date is given?
Incentives and exemptions will be increased to develop local auto parts so that there would no longer be parts imports by 18 months’ time, a move which help do away with imported and used spare parts outfits.
6) Are local manufacturers able to produce SIMILAR quality parts for ALL foreign cars? As i had joked earlier, if you drive a Merc and your ECU is fried. Are you going to plug in a locally produced ECU? What happens to your car warranty for using a 'non-Mercedes' part?
7) What is the reason for the ban of imported parts? So far, no reason is given.
Vehicles which are 15 years and above would also have to go through mandatory testing to ensure their roadworthiness but provisions would be made for vintage cars, he told a press conference to announce the long-awaited review of the NAP.IMPLEMENT this on the commercial vehicles like lorries, buses and other heavy vehicles first la. Black smoke everywhere. Breakdown everywhere.
He said that the review was undertaken after extensive discussions with industry players including manufacturers, assemblers, auto parts makers, non-governmental organisation as well as car associations.
9) mana report? the rakyat wants to see what are the feedback of those industry players. be more transparent about the findings. discussion doesn't mean mutual agreement.
Mustapa said that there were 18 new policies and measures covering licencing, duties, incentives, technology and environment, safety and standards and APs introduced under the NAP review. New policies and measures would be effective from Jan 1, 2010.
10) List down all these 18 new policies and also existing policies. Don't last minute give surprises and force us to accept 'because govt has already discussed with industry players.'
Under the new measures new strategic partnership between Proton and a global established Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) will be established.
Currently, Proton is in talks to establish strategic partnership with international partners.
“Up to now, Proton has yet to find a strategic partner,” he said.
11) So after 20 years, its back to OEM designs and technology from 'strategic' partners. talk and promise so much, at the end, back to square one.
Elaborating on APs, he said the AP system for imports of CBU vehicles will be terminated whereby open APs for used vehicles will be terminated by December 31, 2015, which means importation of used vehicles using the AP permit would no longer be allowed after 2015.
“No new applications for open APs will be considered and franchise APs will be terminated by Dec 31, 2020,” he said.
12) Looks like AFTA has changed from ASEAN Free Trade Agreement to Ada Free Trade Agreement?
Mustapa said as part of ongoing efforts to help Bumiputera entrepreneurs in the automotive industry, a Fund for Bumiputera Development will also be established.
Besides this, he said that a charge of RM10,000 for each open AP will be introduced as announced in the 2010 budget last week whereby under current status, APs are issued for free.
A fund will be established to assist Bumiputera companies venturing into the automotive and other related businesses, he said.
13) Mana 1Malaysia? Only bumiputera can do business in automotive and 'other related business'? Other Malaysians no need to do business or make profit? Bumiputera companies still need help after they get exclusivity of AP for so many years? Why so long still need help? They dunno do business give to other Malaysians. Don't waste AP. Otherwise, the Rakyat sees this as CRONYISM.
The government would also introduce a mechanism to prohibit the import of used parts and components effective June 2011, said Mustapa.
Currently, imports of new and used parts and components were allowed without any restrictions and might in some cases affect safety and environment, he said.
14) I wonder if he will kena sue by the OEM like Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Merc, etc for saying their original parts and components in some cases affect safety and environment.
A new measure under the review of the NAP is the establishment of a gazzetted price for imported used CBU motor vehicles by the Royal Customs, a move designed to stop the under-declaration of imported used-cars and abuse of the AP system.
15) So if the current bumiputera companies are abusing the APs. WHY STILL GIVE TO THEM AND EXTEND UNTIL 2015? Nothing better to do ar?
Currently only prices for new imported CBU motor vehicles are gazetted for the purpose of duty compilation, he said. - Bernama"
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Siapa Mau Sofa dari Bodi Vespa?
Hal itulah yang melatari sebuah studio seni bernama Bel&Bel dari Spanyol ketika mereka membuat sofa dengan bahan utama bodi Vespa.
Sofa yang dibuat Bel&Bel ini menggunakan bodi bagian depan alias sayap Vespa yang kemudian dilapisi dengan busa dan bahan kulit berbagai warna yang kemudian dijahit tidak dengan mesin tapi tangan.
Hasil kreasi studio ini cukup beragam dan unik yang tentu bagus sekali sebagai bagian interior rumah. Misalnya saja sofa Vespa dengan kaki dari ban-nya.
Hebatnya lagi, sofa-sofa tersebut menggunakan bodi Vespa klasik yang di Indonesia tentu masih digunakan. Ini pun bisa dipandang sebagai cara unik mendaur ulang Vespa.
Mengingat populasi Vespa yang masih cukup banyak di Indonesia, ide ini
sepertinya pantas untuk ditiru dibanding hanya mengekspor Vaspa tua kita ke berbagai negara.
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009
Now, Russian Lada looks very sporty
In September 2006 at Moscow International motor-show for the first time LADA presented the new family sedan, its name was Concept C, and today in Geneva there is a debut of 3-doors hatchback with a typically sports character.
Adwitya Amandio Bela Merah Putih
"Saya bangga untuk turut serta dalam ajang drifting internasional. Meski tidak mengejar target menjadi juara, saya akan bertanding semaksimal mungkin," ujar Adwitya Amandio, yang biasa disapa Dio ini dalam konferensi pers Achilles Drift Indonesia (ADI), hari Selasa (27/10), di Jakarta.
Dio yang menjadi andalan tim Achilles Drift Indonesia (ADI) akan didampingi oleh pereli nasional Rifat Sungkar yang akan bertugas sebagai adviser untuk menyiapkan strategi di Thailand pekan depan.
PT Multistrada Arah Sarana (MAS) selaku produsen ban Achilles mengungkapkan bahwa Dio sebagai drifter yang dipercaya untuk membela merah putih dinilai memiliki pengalaman yang cukup baik di event drifting nasional.
"Kami terus berkomitmen untuk memajukan dunia otomotif Indonesia, khususnya dengan bekerjasama dan memberikan support kami kepada para pembalap dan drifter nasinoal yang memiliki potensi untuk berprestasi pada skala internasional," ujar Presiden Direktur PT MAS Pieter Tanuri.
Indonesia yang baru pertama kali mengikuti kejuaraan FDPAS akan bertanding menghadapi drifter-drifter terbaik Asia Pasifik, seperti dari Thailand, Malaysia, Filipina, Jepang, Hong Kong, Singapura, dan Selandia Baru.
Dio yang masih berusia 17 thaun ini akan menggunakan mobil Nissan Cefiro yang dilengkapi dengan ban Achilles ATR Sport berukuran 18 inci.
Dio pernah menjuarai Kejurnas Rally kelas GR2 tahun 2008 dan berhasil menjadi juara kedua Achilles Drift Battle bulan Juli lalu di Jakarta.
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Sultan Bin Tahnoun opens Saadiyat Art Cars Expo
Running until 30th November, Art Cars is open daily from 10am until 8pm and features an intriguing mix of European and American classic cars which have been given 'pop art' makeovers by local and international artists and a line-up of vintage models which trace the motoring development of Abu Dhabi through the 50s, 60s and 70s.
"Art Cars is a very timely initiative coming as it does in the run up to this weekend's 2009 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix," said Sheikh Sultan.
"It is part of the visitor enhancement programme undertaken by ADTA and when viewed alongside the Grand Prix demonstrates this emirate's love of all things automobile while serving to track the emirate's motoring history from the 1950s until the present day.
"Some of the vehicles have been kindly loaned to the exhibition by His Highness Sheikh Tahnoun Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi's Rulers Representative in the Eastern Region and several of them were personally used by the late UAE President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan during his many tours of the emirate's Eastern region.
"This remarkable fleet includes some iconic models which, combined, present a snapshot of motoring history and evolution." Visitors to the free-to-attend exhibition will see cars transformed into works of art by a gallery of local and visiting artists from France, China and Singapore. All designs have been inspired by the visual, mass pop art movement of the 50s and 60s, made famous by US artist Andy Warhol.
Manarat Al Saadiyat can be reached via the new Saadiyat Bridge accessible from Abu Dhabi's Mina Zayed area, where visitors will follow a beautifully landscaped route to the centre. From Dubai, visitors can reach Manarat Al Saadiyat by taking the new Yas Island highway and following the road through to Saadiyat.
The fabulous fleet line-up of motoring masterpieces includes Cadillac LaSalle 1939, Ford T 1920, Chevrolet Independence 1931, BMW Z8 2000 , Mercedes 250SL 1968, Ford F-Series 1950, Chevrolet Bel Air 1956, MINI Cooper 1996, Aston Martin DBS 2009, Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 1976 and Chevrolet Impala 1959.
The exhibition artists include Abdul Qader Al Rais - UAE, Jalal Luqman - UAE, Li Jikai - China, Maisoon Al Saleh - UAE, Mohammed Al Mubarak - UAE, Noora Al Suwaidi - UAE, Vincent Leow- Singapore and Wasel Safwan - UAE.
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Iran Offers Opportunity For Malaysian Automotive Part Suppliers
A Malaysian marketing mission on automotive-related products and services to Tehran secured RM10.3 million worth of orders from Iranian auto parts importers and car manufacturers recently.
The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade)-led delegation that took part in the Oct 5-7 mission comprised eight Malaysian companies.
They manufacture items like plastic parts components, alloy wheels, gasket, automotive accessories, auto lights system and others.
They held a business meeting with two leading car manufacturers Iran Khodro and Saipa, as well as Iranian auto parts vendors.
"The mission organised by Matrade was timely since the two car manufacturers would like to begin technical collaborations with Malaysian companies to supply the Iranian market," said Dubai-based Matrade senior trade commissioner Dzulkifli Mahmud.
Such link-ups, he said, would enable Malaysian companies to leverage their expertise, for example, in designing parts and moulds for car components.
According to Dzulkifli, Iran Khodro and Saipa together produced a total of 1.3 million cars every year, of which 81.3 per cent were passenger cars.
"With a population of 70 million, the Iranian market offers promising opportunities for Malaysian companies to export auto parts and collaborate with local car manufacturers and vendors to produce innovative parts and components," he said.
The trade commissioner pointed out that the automotive industry in Iran was experiencing strong growth for the past 10 years, averaging 23 per cent per annum.
In 2008, Iran was ranked the world's 16th largest automotive production country.
In the first seven months of 2009, total trade between Malaysia and Iran hit RM1.73 billion, with exports to Iran valued at RM1.17 billion and imports RM558 million.
Exports of automotive parts and components to Iran were valued at RM118 million.
"Malaysia's export of auto parts to Iran will grow 10 per cent per annum in 2010. Among the products that have potential to be exported are alloy rims, body kits, plastic injection moulding and anti-theft system," said Dzulkifli.
Geely Sudah Siap Pesan
pabrikan mobil asal China, Geely, nampaknya mendapatkan respon yang cukup baik di pasaran.
Hal tersebut terbukti di kota Paris Van Java, Bandung. Setelah melakukan soft launching dealer mereka di Bandung dan memperkenalkan merek ini ke masyarakat Jawa Barat, Geely pun ternyata sudah mendapat benyak pemesanan.
"Sejak di perkenalkan di Bandung, sekarang kami sudah menerima SPK (Surat Pemesanan Kendaraan) sampai puluhan unit lho," ungkap Presiden Direktur PT Geely Mobil Indonesia (GMI) A Budi Pramono ketika dihubungi detikOto, Kamis (17/9/2009).
SPK yang mencapai puluhan itu menurutnya sangat wajar. Terlebih harga yang ditawarkan Geely untuk Varian MK dan CK pun dianggap sangat menarik yakni
hanya Rp 99.999.999,- saja secara off the road.
Itu baru di Bandung, sebab pemesanan mobil-mobil Geely pun menurut Budi
ternyata tidak hanya datang dari ibukota Jawa Barat saja, namun juga di
kota-kota lain seperti Semarang dan Bali misalnya.
"Yang pasti, setiap kami lakukan soft launching di sebuah kota, sambutannya
cukup baik semua," papar Budi.
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009
2009 Mini Coupe Concept
The Mini Coupe Concept is an expression of Mini design and the great ability of the brand’s designers to fill the elementary values of the brand with new life, using the options of modern drivetrain and suspension technology, and developing fascinating perspectives for the future of the brand on this basis.
The Mini Coupe Concept is definitely a Mini and definitely a sports car. The particular charm of this combination results from both the drivetrain and the suspension technology already featured in the current production models, as well as the special highlights of this two-seater concept car.
Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009
When teaching becomes wrong..
Hahahahaha I know this ain't good when you ask your grandson to teach you English.
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
Senin, 19 Oktober 2009
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Happy Birthday to my No.1 Japan drift idol, Kawabata Masato!

Last weekend he won both D1 Round 7 and D1 Round 8, so I think that's a great gift he can give to himself (and sponsors) to collaborate with his 32th Birthday. A very big congratulation to him.
Interesting fact: Kawabata age is 1 year old older then Nazrul Afifi.
This is him drifting his Team Toyo Tires with GP Sports 180SX.

But Alhamdulillah, thanks to last year Toyo Tires APDO Malaysia competition I finally got the chance to see him in flesh and witness him drifting his 600ps 180SX for the first time!
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
2009 BMW Concept Car -CLEVER
2009 BMW SIMPLE and CLEVER Concept - CLEVER is the acronym for “Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport” -The BMW Simple is 110 centimeters advanced and its agreement for two bodies sitting one abaft the other. Plus it boasts the activating active appearance archetypal of a two-wheeler, acceptance you to angular appropriate into corners as desired. The appellation “simple” is an acronym of the activity name “A acceptable and avant-garde advancement artefact for low activity consumption”. All that is bare to ability this failing agent with a kerb weight of approx. 450 kg is a 36 kW agitation engine. The BMW Simple weighs 450 kg and is powered by a kW agitation engine. It can get from 0 to 100 km/h in about 10 abnormal and has a annoyance accessory of 0.18. Using the electric motor and the agitation engine, the Simple would charge aloof 6 kWh (equivalent to 0.7 litres of petrol) or two litres over 100 km.







2009 BMW Concept Car -CLEVER
2009 BMW SIMPLE and CLEVER Concept - CLEVER is the acronym for “Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport” -The BMW Simple is 110 centimeters advanced and its agreement for two bodies sitting one abaft the other. Plus it boasts the activating active appearance archetypal of a two-wheeler, acceptance you to angular appropriate into corners as desired. The appellation “simple” is an acronym of the activity name “A acceptable and avant-garde advancement artefact for low activity consumption”. All that is bare to ability this failing agent with a kerb weight of approx. 450 kg is a 36 kW agitation engine. The BMW Simple weighs 450 kg and is powered by a kW agitation engine. It can get from 0 to 100 km/h in about 10 abnormal and has a annoyance accessory of 0.18. Using the electric motor and the agitation engine, the Simple would charge aloof 6 kWh (equivalent to 0.7 litres of petrol) or two litres over 100 km.







SSC Ultimate Aero: Fastest Car in the World
SSC Ultimate Aero with the fastest recorded speed of 413 km / h or 257 mph it is currently the fastest car in the world car production. Armed with Twin-Turbo V8 Engine with 1183 hp and dibanrol base price $ 650,000. Verified in 2007 by Guinness World Records, SSC Ultimate Aero takes the lead as the world's fastest car beating Bugatti Veyron.

SSC Ultimate Aero: Fastest Car in the World
SSC Ultimate Aero with the fastest recorded speed of 413 km / h or 257 mph it is currently the fastest car in the world car production. Armed with Twin-Turbo V8 Engine with 1183 hp and dibanrol base price $ 650,000. Verified in 2007 by Guinness World Records, SSC Ultimate Aero takes the lead as the world's fastest car beating Bugatti Veyron.

Suzuki Hayabusa: Fastest Motorcycle in the World
Suzuki Hayabusa designed by Suzuki is the fastest motorcycle in the world. 1300CC engine produces 175 horsepower and has a speed limit up to 189 mph. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon and also known as the GSX1300R in some countries. first introduced by Suzuki motorcycle in 1999. Have a 1340 cc (81.7 cu in) inline-4 engine and are consistently tested as the production of the fastest motorcycles in the world. yg 2008 model year sold U.S. $ 11,999.

Suzuki Hayabusa: Fastest Motorcycle in the World
Suzuki Hayabusa designed by Suzuki is the fastest motorcycle in the world. 1300CC engine produces 175 horsepower and has a speed limit up to 189 mph. Hayabusa means Peregrine Falcon and also known as the GSX1300R in some countries. first introduced by Suzuki motorcycle in 1999. Have a 1340 cc (81.7 cu in) inline-4 engine and are consistently tested as the production of the fastest motorcycles in the world. yg 2008 model year sold U.S. $ 11,999.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
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